The abstract of the whole sedaicu.it is in these three papers:
- Pain Management
- Sedation Management
- Delirium Management
We believe they may be useful in your daily practice and for a reflection about treatment strategies usually discussed during "clinical briefing".
Stick them at the wall or just keep them in your pocket note, in your palm or in your Hospital Guidelines. We think they can really improve critical patients' outcome!
These flow-chart have been edited after a decades experience and cooperation between nurses and physicians.
We translated in Italian the universal flow-chart of German 2010 guidelines and we tried to integrate it with publications of Wesley Ely& co. you can find in www.icudelirium.org.
Please notice any difficulty or modification proposal in our contacts page
For access to flow-charts log-in is needed.
If your Intensive Care Unit cooperate in the research project "Innovative sedation strategies in high risk critically ill" you will be able to enter with credentials you've been sent via e-mail.
If you are an "external visitor" you can download and use them filling the form.
Stiamo assistendo in Terapia Intensiva ad una profonda sfida culturale: pazienti svegli, parenti presenti, staff consapevole dei limiti e delle possibilità. Non è facile "cambiare testa", ma è il primo passo per stare meglio. Tutti.
Link veloci
Gestire il dolore

Gestire la sedazione

Gestire il delirium

Questo sito è stato realizzato grazie al contributo di:

Finanziamento per la Ricerca Indipendente
(Decreto DGS 13456 del 22 dicembre 2010)