Acute cerebral dysfunction (delirium) in the critically ill patient
Introduction: "saving the injured brain" - go to SedaICU lecture n°05..just as we are extremely careful and sensitive towards hypoxic or dysrhythmic events, acute cerebral dysfunctions too should trigger an immediate response from health care providers, especially in the ICU..
Introduction on delirium - go to SedaICU lecture n°06
- Prevalence and diagnosis: you should look for it in order to detect it
- Early detection as a primary goal
Epidemiology and prevention of delirium - go to SedaICU lecture n°07
- The size of the problem
- How to prevent it: non pharmacologic strategies and effective drugs
Monitoring delirium - go to SedaICU lecture n°08
- Diagnosing delirium in the ICU: challenges and available resources
- Strategies to improve the diagnostic accuracy and the continuity of monitoring
- Which tools can be used in the ICU
- Clinical and organizational consequences of the use of validated tools
Management and treatment of delirium - go to SedaICU lecture n°9
- Care of the organic causes and interruption of deliriogenic therapies
- Non-pharmacologic protocol: orientation and environment
- Pharmacologic therapy: active principle, doses and side-effects
Sleep in the critically ill patient: quantity and quality - go to SedaICU lecture n°10
- How much and how well do critically ill patients sleep
- Consequences of physiologic sleep deprivation
- Preventive strategies to reduce sleep disturbances in the ICU
Un reparto di Terapia Intensiva è un unico organismo… Non si può curare gli ammalati senza prendersi cura anche degli operatori.
Link veloci
Gestire il dolore
Flowchart doloreVNR
Gestire la sedazione
Flowchart sedaz/agitazRASS
Gestire il delirium
Flowchart DeliriumManuale CAM-ICU
Scheda di lavoro CAM-ICU
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(Decreto DGS 13456 del 22 dicembre 2010)