Analgesia and Sedation
Introduction to analgesia and sedation – go to SedaICU Lecture n°01
- International guidelines
- Priorities in the daily care of the critically ill patient
Pain and Analgesia in the ICU – go to SedaICU Lecture n°02
- How to measure pain in the cooperative or uncooperative patients, intubated or not
- How to effectively treat pain
- Balance between benefits and adverse events of analgesic drugs
Melatonin in the critically ill patient - go to SedaICU Lecture n°03
- Why is endogenous melatoninemia reduced in critically ill patients
- Which effects of melatonin administration could be useful
- Preliminary results of the clinical effects of melatonin supplementation in critically ill patients: lower analgesic and sedative requirements, reduction of the incidence of delayed sepsis
Effects of sedative drugs on critically ill patients - go to SedaICU Lecture n°04
- When and why should we use sedatives
- What targets should we pursue: the concept of conscious sedation
- Balance between benefits and adverse events of the different sedative drugs
- Comparison between the different cultural approaches: “daily interruption with awakening test” vs. “analgesia-based sedation”
- Sedative drugs administration routes: parenteral vs. enteral
Un reparto di Terapia Intensiva è un unico organismo… Non si può curare gli ammalati senza prendersi cura anche degli operatori.
Link veloci
Gestire il dolore
Flowchart doloreVNR
Gestire la sedazione
Flowchart sedaz/agitazRASS
Gestire il delirium
Flowchart DeliriumManuale CAM-ICU
Scheda di lavoro CAM-ICU
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Finanziamento per la Ricerca Indipendente
(Decreto DGS 13456 del 22 dicembre 2010)