Sedation and AnalgesiaQ: When an analgesic therapy has to be started based on validated intensity pain scales?
A:It has to be administered when VNR>3 or BPS>6 at rest or BPS>8 due to incident pain.
Q: Which is the best method to perform analgesic therapy: bolus or continuous infusion?
A:Continuous infusion decreases the total amount of administered drugs furthermore continuous infusion plus rescue dose analgesia are indicated to prevent breakthrough pain episodes.
Q: Which is the requested RASS value in high risk critically ill patient after the 24 hours run-in period in ICU?
A: The desired level is RASS=0/1 that means: awake and quiet patient adapted to ICU environment, stressors and critical disease.
Q: How does ipoactive delirium is treated?
A: Ipoactive delirium first is treated by discontinuing delirium-associated drugs, mostly sedatives!
Q: Is preventive haloperidol indicated in patients who have risk factors for developing delirium?
A: Conflicting data have been published until now. In high risk patients (elderly, prolonged mechanical ventilation, sepsis) haloperidol 1mgx3 may be useful. Further investigations are needed in this field.
Awake Critically Ill Patient
Q: Could a patient with an orotracheal tube lay awake and quiet in an ICU bed?
A:Of course. Sedation could be required to tolerate the orotracheal tube although desired RASS level is the same (=0/1)
Q: Could I join in one of your ongoing investigations?
A: Yes. Fill in the form and we'll reply as soon as possible!
Non basta aggiungere giorni alla vita… è necessario mettere vita in quei giorni.
Link veloci
Gestire il dolore
Flowchart doloreVNR
Gestire la sedazione
Flowchart sedaz/agitazRASS
Gestire il delirium
Flowchart DeliriumManuale CAM-ICU
Scheda di lavoro CAM-ICU
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Finanziamento per la Ricerca Indipendente
(Decreto DGS 13456 del 22 dicembre 2010)