
Managing conscious critically ill

Introduction on the innovative concept of a
conscious critically ill patient - go to SedaICU lecture n°11
   - Deep sedation vs. "adaptation" to the disease and invasive devices
   - Use of analgesic and sedative drugs use: less is better
   - Consequences during and after the ICU stay

Daily management of the conscious critically ill patient - go to SedaICU lecture n°12
   - Control of pain and anxiety with analgesics and sedatives with different half-lives
   - Direct and mediated surveillance
   - Nursing manoeuvers: patient hygiene, bronchoaspiration, postures, physiotherapy
   - Invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation modes
   - Management of physical restraint devices
   - Metabolism and enteral nutrition

Decreasing stressors and Open ICU - go to sedaICU lecture n°13
   - Impact of stressors on neurologic outcome
   - Organizational / procedural strategies to decrease stressors
   - Communication with the critically ill patient and mediation with relatives
   - Safely open the ICU for patients and health care providers

Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - go to SedaICU lecture n°14
   - Awareness of the role of the ICU stay as a psychic trauma - prevalence of the phenomenon
   - Prevention of PTSD triggers
   - Quality of life after the ICU stay
   - Effective strategies in reducing PTSD
formazione_argomenti_pz critico cosciente

Un reparto di Terapia Intensiva è un unico organismo… Non si può curare gli ammalati senza prendersi cura anche degli operatori.

Link veloci

Gestire il dolore

ico-flowchartdoloreFlowchart dolore

Gestire la sedazione

ico-flowchart-sedaz-agitFlowchart sedaz/agitaz

Gestire il delirium

ico-flowchart-deliriumFlowchart Delirium
ico-manuale-cam-icuManuale CAM-ICU
ico-schedalavoro-cam-icuScheda di lavoro CAM-ICU


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(Decreto DGS 13456 del 22 dicembre 2010)

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