Cognitive Bizarreness in the Dream and Waking Parkinson’s Disease
D’Agostino A., De Gaspari D., Antonini A., Kantzas I., Limosani I., Manzone ML., Schiavella M., Paganini L., Siri C., Rizzi P., Scarone S.The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2010; 22:395– 400
Cognitive bizarreness is a shared feature of the dream and waking mentation of acutely psychotic patients. The authors investigated this measure of the structural architecture of thought in the dream and waking mentation of 20 nonpsychotic patients with Parkinson’s disease after treatment with prodopaminergic drugs. Statistically overlapping levels of cognitive bizarreness were found in the waking fantasy and dream reports of the Parkinson’s disease population, whereas almost no bizarreness was found in the waking cognition of the comparison group, suggesting it may be an inherent quality of cognition in Parkinson’s disease patients, possibly related to the cholinergic/ dopaminergic imbalance underlying this complex disorder.
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(Decreto DGS 13456 del 22 dicembre 2010)