
How Individuals with Phenylketonuria ExperienceTheir Illness: an Age-Related Qualitative Study


Vegni E, Fiori L, Riva E, Giovannini M, Moja EA.


Child Care Health Dev. 2010;36(4):539-48.

Background: The aim of the study was to explore the illness experience of individuals affected by phenylketonuria (PKU) and its differences in different patient age groups.

Methods: A qualitative-interpretative methodology was used through in-depth interviews. Textual data were explored using the principles of grounded theory.

Results: Forty-seven patients participated in the study, aged from 10 to >25 years old. The results suggested the age-related PKU experience: (1) a paradox, either to feel normal but isolated from the social context, or to be different while participating in the convivial aspects of the social being; and (2) the need for education about the disease tailored to the individual and growing needs. Specific themes seem to characterize each age range.

Conclusions: This study constitutes a first attempt at understanding PKU from a non-medical-biological perspective.


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